Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Little Venting

So I decided the worst part about being pregnant so far isn't the aching hips, back, extreme exhaustion and bruised ribs but the fact that I physically cannot play with Jocelyn when she wants me to. I'm sure today was a little worse than most because for some reason I was tired when I woke up even though I slept pretty well but all day she wanted me to do things with her I just couldn't do. I was practically in tears at one point because I just felt so bad, like I'm not the mom she needs me to be. I just really hope things (with time of course) will get better after I have the baby.

On a separate note, we celebrated Jocelyn's birthday this last weekend and will be posting pictures later. It was a pretty great weekend :)


Alisha LeBaron said...

I am so glad you said that. I have been feeling the same way. Annika is sick and she can't even sit on my lap. There is no room. I feel like I can't comfort her like I want to and take care of her. hopefully it will be better soon! Oh and Happy Birthday Jocelyn!

Jana said...

I totally know the feeling! I think it must be pretty normal. Sean is gone a lot for work too so I felt even worse because he wasn't there to play with her very often either. It does get better.

Anonymous said...

You are a GREAT mom! Stop beating yourself up and feeling guilty, you do the best you can for right now. I'm sure it will get better-hang in there! LOVE YOU!

Ashlee said...

That's exactly how I felt. I couldn't go ride bikes and I couldn't just get up and down easily to play with everyone and, of course, always tired. You're almost there!!!! I'm so excited for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Shawna...so sorry. You're the best mom! I love you, friend.